Event attachments
Most meetings have relevant documents or links — and as a participant, these resources should be right there at the start of the meeting. Cron now bubbles up event attachments the same way as the link to join conferencing.
To add attachments to an event as the organizer, there’s a new “Docs and links” section in the right-hand context panel. Any link can be pasted and some types are treated distinctively:
- Figma links
- Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc.
- Dropbox Paper links
- Notion links
For Notion users, Cron takes it a step further…
Notion pages
Cron lets you connect Notion workspaces to attach Notion pages to events seamlessly. Type to search across your Notion workspace or select from recently visited Notion pages. Share meeting notes, link to relevant resources, or attach a collaborative brainstorming doc without leaving Cron.
“Create Notion page…” even lets you quickly create a new page for the meeting and attach it in one go.
When participants don’t have access to an attached page yet, Cron smartly prompts to grant permissions (full access, edit, comment, or view) to that specific doc.
Connected workspaces are listed in Settings > Integrations > Notion and lay the foundation for more to come.
Other improvements
- Shows meeting room(s) for upcoming meeting in menu bar/system tray and upcoming meeting card.
- Shows availability status when filtering rooms and resources.
- Adds support to open ICS files in Cron on Windows.
- Allows attaching files (also via drag and drop) when sending feedback.
- Fixes occasional unnecessary email update when updating a repeat event series.
- Fixes incorrect scheduling links displayed in the iOS app.
- Fixes RSVP footer incorrectly shown in the iOS app for pinned teammate calendars.